Philemon 1:10-11 NASB95 I appeal to you for my child Onesimus, whom I have begotten in my imprisonment, who formerly was useless to you, but now is useful both to you and to me.
Paul was in prison when he led Onesimus to Christ. Paul was in a place no one desires to be. While in this place of despair his attention was not on himself but on a man who did not have Christ. Paul saw himself as a freeman in chains and Onesimus as a slave walking free. This was a correct assessment. Paul would spend eternity in the freedom of Christ, while Onesimus would suffer eternity in the bonds of hell unless he found Christ. Therefore, Paul focused on showing him that in Christ, he can be free. Onesimus, in gaining his eternal freedom, realized that living for Christ meant going back and owning up to the earthly master he had escaped from.
We see from this portion of the text that even in the moments of earthly suffering, peace is found in serving Christ! We also see in the freedom of Christ we must offer ourselves as a living sacrifice.
Then Paul goes on to say, of Onesimus (whose name means profitable or useful) He formerly was useless to you, but now is useful both to you and to me.
We will never be profitable to people until we are useful to God. A person who lives in the bondage of self is not profitable to anyone. However, the one who lives in the freedom of Christ will be useful to God and profitable to man. A once useless person was now profitable to mankind when, as a free man, he was bound to the service of the Lord by sharing the gospel. Are you living a life of uselessness or usefulness? The answer should be found by whether or not you are living your life in Christ. It isn't as important, who you live under but who lives in you.
Pray today that you will be profitable to the world and useful to God as you live in Christ, and Christ in you!
Don't spend so much time praying to keep people out of heaven (praying for a person physical health) that you miss out on the opportunity to be useful in seeing them go to heaven as you share the gospel and they receive salvation. That is profitable and useful!
Love Bro. Scott