Colossians 4:2 NASB95 Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;
Christians have no adversity to prayer. When there are problems in our lives or the lives of friends, we are quick to lift these up to the Lord in prayer. However, I will say sometimes not quick enough. To say we have no problem praying would be correct but to say we are devoted to prayer might be a stretch. The Greek word used here means to be strong in, focused on, persistently or in continual fashion, and holding on to. The word devoted means to love and be loyal to, and to give all or a large part of one's time or resources to.
Do any of these describe your relationship to prayer?
Last week we went out to eat with our family. When leaving we told them bye as they went to one part of the restaurant while Stacey and I went outside. When our Granddaughter realized we had left, she came running out, saying "I'm late." She wanted to catch up with us. This melted my heart. The thought that this sweet child wanted to spend time with her Nani and Papi just made us swell up with joy. I think God might feel somewhat similar knowing His children desire to spend time with Him. Knowing they are devoted to prayer.
However, not just devoted but devoted with alertness. Truly listening to what our Father might say in response to our discussion with Him. Not just rattling off names, wants, and desires, but truly carrying on a conversation with Him. Being alert is what the scripture says. This means paying attention and truly thinking about what we are saying. In the military, when at war, if you were not alert on watch, it could mean the death of many. Knowing this you dare not fall asleep. The same type of attention should be given when speaking (praying) with the Lord.
Lastly, our text says we should be devoted, alert, and have an attitude of thanksgiving in prayer. If you requested a period of time to speak with the president and he granted you that time you would be thankful. When we go to the Lord in prayer, He has dedicated that time for you! Your Father in Heaven has said my child wants to talk to me; I will pay attention, listen, and speak with him/her. For this we should have such an attitude of thankfulness that we can not stop thanking, admiring, loving, and praising Him. When you are devoted to the Lord in alert prayer, then God Almighty is listening, caring, loving, and paying attention to you! What an amazing thing! For this, we should not be able to be anything but THANKFUL!
Be devoted to prayer. Keeping alert in it. Pray with an attitude of thanksgiving.
That is how we should come to a FATHER who was willing to sacrifice His SON for our salvation.
Love Bro. Scott