Job 39:27-29 NASB95 “Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up And makes his nest on high? “On the cliff he dwells and lodges, Upon the rocky crag, an inaccessible place. “From there he spies out food; His eyes see it from afar.
God's designs are amazing. Look at the eagle.
According to the Audubon Center, eagles build their nest higher than any other bird. This gives them open sight to see predators and makes their nest virtually inaccessible.
The height also provides excellent opportunities to see any food. It also provides easy access for them with their large wingspan. This could be a problem for some birds or animals but it works excellent for the eagle as they have an eyesight that is up to 8 times stronger than humans. They can see small details from extreme distances, seeing a small animal such as a rabbit from nearly two miles away. While according to one study, a man would need binoculars to see at such a distance. Their vision is so sharp that they can dilate their eyes at will and spot a fish underwater at over 100 yards.
God designed it this way, and so it operates and then revealed this to Job, one of the earliest books of scripture.
However, God did not give the eagle a soul that is everlasting nor faith to trust in Him.
Why did God not give us the ability to spread wings and fly high into the tops of trees? Why did He not give us vision to see for miles?
Could it be because we do not need such things? Instead, we need His word to reveal His will, and He provided. Instead, we need His love, and He provided, Instead, we need His forgiveness, and He provided. Instead, we need an atonement for our sins, and He provided His Son. Instead, we need mercy, and He provided through a cross and death of a sinless man. Instead, we need Grace, and He provided through an empty grave and a risen Lord. Instead, we need a Savior, and He provided Jesus.
We wonder why God didn't do this or do that, and He says, "Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up And makes his nest on high? “On the cliff he dwells and lodges, Upon the rocky crag, an inaccessible place. “From there he spies out food; His eyes see it from afar."
God says, "Did you know the eagle would need these things?" He says, *I DID."
"Plus I know what you need too!"
So stop questioning God and trust He has and will give us all we need. The question is, will we accept and place our faith in what He has given us?
He gave the eagle all he needed to survive, and the eagle used what he received to live.
God has given you all you need for everlasting life in His presence. Will you continue to fight Him and say I will do it on my own?
Or will you surrender and say God I am yours!
God gave the eagle great eyesight, and he hunts.
God gave us a perfect Savior and Lord. Will we surrender and not only allow Him residency in us but allow Him presidency over us?
You must answer that. Matthew 16:24 NASB95 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.
Love Bro. Scott