Colossians 4:17 NASB95 Say to Archippus, “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.”
God has given to everyone who follows Christ a ministry. It can be a ministry that is public or one that is done without notice or fanfare. However, make no mistake God has given all true Christians a ministry. Each and every ministry is used in building up the kingdom of God. All ministries from God have a goal of fulfilling the great commission. You need to also see and realize that ALL ministries are of equal importance. The words (take heed) in our text, according to TDNT, mean "to see” with a stronger emphasis on the function of the eye.
It can also be used for intellectual or spiritual perception, and in the absolute for insight.
So, in every way, using your sense of vision and your intellectual and spiritual perception, with your absolute insight received from the Lord, fulfill your ministry. Complete this ministry with all your desire and effort in obedience, for the Glory of God the Father. Do this with love for God and mankind. Take heed of this ministry in much the same way as Jesus did His ministry of sacrificial atonement. He offered reconciliation of you, a sinner, to the righteous and Holy God.
Jesus did this, and as Christians, we proclaim to be followers of Christ.
So just as Paul told the messenger of the Church at Colosse to encourage Archippus. I am seeking to encourage you to, "Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.”
Love Bro. Scott