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This morning I looked at the news. No, I didn't turn on the TV. If you know me then you know I don't trust news agencies at all! However, I did my normal research of news on both sides. What I found was the normal filth, hate, and lies from both sides. It is just sickening. I had also spent my time in prayer and what I realized is that my prayer list is long. It is long because there is so much hurt in the world. It is just sickening. I also did my Bible reading and what I found is we deserve to be punished. Punished because of our own filth of sin. I prayed God would lead me to His text for today and here is what it says. Psalms 29:10-11 NASB1995 The Lord sat as King at the flood; Yes, the Lord sits as King forever. The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.

I found from our text that God does punish for sin. Our sin does not remove or diminish Him. His punishment upon our sin also does not remove or diminish who He is. He is King in the midst of the highest of our rebellion and in the greatest of His wrath. He is King no matter the circumstances. He is King for all eternity. The Lord sits as King forever. However He also has never given up on mankind nor will he ever. Genesis 6:5 NASB1995 Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Yet in Himself, was the solution for a righteous God to bless a sinful man. In Jesus He paid the stiff penalty of sin so that in Jesus He could offer the strength and blessing of peace.

Today people are waking up to death, divorce, and the evil of this world. They woke up to it yesterday, the day before, and the day before that. Then they wonder, how can we survive all of this hate and hurt? The answer is the Lord is King. He was King in Genesis 6 at the flood and He will still be King in Revelation 21 at the New Heaven and Earth. He desired, and still desires to give you strength and to bless you in peace! We must not give up because our text doesn't say He wants to do these things. it says instead, the Lord, WILL, give strength and bless in peace. Praise the Lord that unlike the news, God never lies. He is King and He WILL take care of you! You can trust in that!

Love Bro. Scott


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